Monday, November 4, 2019

State of Texas economic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

State of Texas economic - Essay Example Governor Perry regards the focus on these industries as a significant economic strategy (texaswideopenforbusiness). They key industries are advanced technology and manufacturing; aerospace, aviation and defense, biotechnology and life science, information and computer technology; petroleum refining and chemical products; and energy (texaswideopenforbusiness). Economies suffer considerably at the hands of, lacking skilled force (Powell and Lindsay 2). World Bank declared that the factors leading to the high pace of economic growth and development of the ‘tiger economies’ is sustained productivity, technological investment, and human resource investment on continuous basis (Powell and Lindsay 2). Texas has a work force commission known as TWC. TWC is a commission for the employers and helps them in refining and upgrading the skills of their employees and work force (texaswideopenforbusiness). The programs that TWC employs are; skill development, apprenticeship, on job training and literacy education to help employees developing their skills better and further and increase their productivity (texaswideopenforbusiness). Texas has an infrastructure that is considered business friendly. It provides and maintains up to the standard modern transportation facilities and logistical advantages (texaswideopenforbusiness). Texas provides business support by providing state-of-the-art land, air and sea transportation means; such infrastructure lends support to businesses and allows them to access national and international markets in time (texaswideopenforbusiness). Texas also has modern energy provision systems, like wind farms, nuclear power, and coal power, all contributing to the developing businesses and people of Texas

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